How to Check If Anyone Added Me in Line Chat?
You might have noticed that whenever you add anyone on the Line application, most of the time they do not receive any message regarding it. It is worth noting that if anyone adds you, then you may also not receive any notification regarding it. This can result in a lot of confusion.
Although it does not imply that you will never know if anyone has included you as a friend, this only means that the process is a bit twisted. Read through the blog carefully and follow the instructions properly to know everything regarding the issue.
You can view everything in friend suggestions. Have a look at the given four situations:
- If anyone included you as a friend by the QR code
- If anyone included you as a friend with the help of Line ID
- If anyone got your profile with the help of the cell number of yours
- If anyone sends your ID in a group chat
- If anyone included you as a friend via QR code
- Firstly, visit the Line app.
- Then, press on the ‘More’ symbol.
- After that, click on the ‘QR code’ symbol. It will be available on the upper right-hand side of the display.
- Next, choose ‘My QR Code’. It will be located at the end of the right-hand side.
- Lastly, you can take a screenshot of it and share it with the rest of the individuals. Otherwise, show the code personally to them. This shall help them to scan it.
- How to know if anyone included you as a friend via Line ID
- Firstly, go to the Line application.
- Then, press on the ‘Settings’ tab. It will be present on the upper right-hand side of the display.
- Next, visit the ‘Edit profile’.
- After that, ensure that ‘Allow others to add me by ID’ has been turned on.
- Lastly, clear the square if you do not wish any of the people associate you with the Line ID.
- How to know if anyone got your profile via your phone number
- Firstly, visit the line application.
- Then, choose the ‘Friends’ option. It will be located at the end of the left-hand side.
- After that, click ‘Add Friends’ symbol in the upper right-hand side of the display.
- Next, click on the ‘Auto-add friends’ options.
- Lastly, turn off ‘Allow others to add me’. It can be done by putting a tick mark on the available square box.
Congratulations! Your problem has been solved.
Daniel Ryan is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at
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