Use New Markup Color Tools in iOS 14 With These Steps
In order to keep apps in an organized format, Apple has added several new improvements on iOS 14. One among them is the new Markup color tools.
This newly added feature offers several tools like Hexadecimal value support, opacity slider, and eyedropper tool. With the help of this feature, you can effectively edit photos, screenshots, and fonts and opacity, more precisely.
If you haven’t started using this newly released feature, then follow the below-mentioned steps to get started for the same:
How to Use Markup Color Tools on iOS 14 and iPadOS 14?
Be it a task related to photo editing or creating an impressive note; you can add some decent customizations to your work. You can also insert a digital signature to your PDFs, if required. With the addition of various new precision tools, this feature now provides you an even more flexible environment for creating impressive layouts and adding digital notes or signatures to the PDFs.

Below are steps mentioned on how to use this newly launched feature on the iOS and iPadOS:
- You can access the Markup icon from the series of apps like Safari and Notes. It can also be accessed from a Share Sheet or screenshot.
- We will proceed further with the Notes app. Click on the Notes app and open any saved note and then look at the bottom to search for the Markup icon and press it.
- Then reveal all the new color tools, by pressing the color button situated on the extreme right corner at the bottom of the screen.
- Three tabs named Grid, Spectrum, and Sliders will appear there. You will find the opacity slider on the bottom, with the help of which you can set the color. You can also save custom colors made by you. For that, simply click on the “+” button appearing at the bottom.
- You can also opt for the colors by using the dial option or by entering the values manually or through the option “Select colors by hexadecimal values.”
- Finally, finish the procedure by clicking Done, appearing on the upper right corner of the screen.
- After obtaining the color of your choice, you may use it to add text or signatures to your PDF or screenshots, write notes, and do a lot more.
So, this was all about how you can use the Markup Color Tool on iOS or iPadOS. There were only a limited number of options in iOS 13 regarding this feature, but features like eyedropper, and hexadecimal support alongside 120 colors schemes have now made it a complete feature-loaded package.
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